Well, as if my asinine original post wasn’t inflicting enough stupidity on you, here’s an unlooked-for follow up. It’s sort of comforting, and sort of disturbing, to think that there are so many of you who have weird imaginations. I feel at home. In a weird home with weird people like me in it. You guys make me laugh. Also, I see many of you are brilliant namers of things. I might actually post a little blurb about my own novel sometime and ask for suggestions for names because you guys obviously can come up with some names.
Also. It must be noted that while I judge this stiff competition of thousands of entrants I am listening to/sort of watching Beck on Austin City Limits. This is something I taped a few years back on a device called a VCR. Beck is weird. So is/are the Flaming Lips, who back him up. I love it.
Now, to the competition. At stake, one hug and one autographed copy of my autograph –as promised. I have no idea how to fulfill this guarantee, but we’ll give it the old college try (the new college try never works).
There were so many amazing entries. I assume getting a hug from me is like, one of the top things. Or you people just have pent-up brilliant silliness that is oozing out and you need a place to put it.
I’m here for you.
Note: I posted this here at the Rabbit Room and at my website, so I chose from the pool of both.
OK, without further ado. Here’s the top five in descending order, along with some honorable mentions (though many more were hilarious).
Honorable Mention: The Fancy Timepiece –Aaron Roughton An Unencumbered Beard -Matt C Breaching the Ordnung –Chad Ethridge So You Think You Can’t Dance –Russ Ramsey’s much cleverer wife
5. Hannah Yoder: Elf-Queen of Arcola –Rob “Highfive” Dunbar 4. Mennonite in Black –Aaron “The People’s Choice” Crossley 3. Love’s Light-Reflecting Triangle –Jessica “On the Medal Stand” Crossley 2. Obadiah’s Wormhole –Aaron “Bridesmaid” Roughton 1. Matthew Lapp and the Enchanted Hatband –Kevin “No Relation” Smith
I ended up going with ones that truly had both the Amish and the Fantasy elements.
Congrats to Kevin, get ready for that hug. And the writing sample.
Also, just to update, Beck is now dancing while some guy follows him around with flashlights. “Bottles and cans and just clap your hands.”
Fin. 8.10.09 11:50 PM