I’ve been a fan of Jonny Jimison’s work for a long time. In fact, a few weeks ago when I sat down with the original Kickstarter version of Martin and Marco, I got a little teary-eyed when I got to the end and read through the list of backers, because it seemed like I knew every one of them, and most were part of the Rabbit Room community.
Sadly, though, that book has been out of print for what seems like ages, and people ask for it all the time. We’ve been setting up Rabbit Room booths at homeschool conventions for three years and every time I go I wish I had copies of Jonny’s book to give to kids (and adults for that matter).
So it seems like destiny (or more properly the Holy Spirit) when all these years later we find ourselves finally able to welcome Jonny to Rabbit Room Press in order to first re-issue Martin and Marco in full-color (it looks AWESOME, let me tell you), and then to ensure that the rest of the Dragon Lord Saga has a publisher and a home and will find its way into the world over the course of the new few years.

If you’re new to Jonny’s work, you might recall that he’s the cartoonist behind the Rabbit Trails cartoon here on the site. He’s also done several other webcomics over the years like Getting Ethan and Noma. But no matter what it is he’s working on, it’s always something fun and always a joy to read.
The Dragon Lord Saga is Jonny’s epic and we like to say it traces its lineage from forebears like the Lord of the Rings and Calvin and Hobbes. Yes, the story is full of dragons, and swords, and armies, but it’s also full of playful sibling rivalry, a talking horse, and more comic hijinks than you can shake a satchel at.

What I enjoy most about the books, though, is the heart that Jonny puts into them. Sure, it’s colorful, and funny, and easy to read, but it’s also about two brothers who are growing in their relationships with one another and with everyone around them—and they’re also learning some hard truths about their own hearts along the way.
These are good books. They are the kind of good books that are a pleasure to put into the hands of a child. The kind of good books that disappear into the bedroom and aren’t seen again until they are fully read and tattered at the edges. The kind of good books that a kid will read again and again and again.

I’m so happy that Rabbit Room Press gets to be a part of the ongoing story of the Dragon Lord Saga. The wait is nearly over. The adventure begins with Volume One: Martin and Marco which is set for release on October 11th. You can pre-order today in the Rabbit Room store.*
*Coming to Hutchmoot? You can pre-order now and pick up your book at the merch table. We’ll refund your shipping charge once you’ve picked up the book.