Eric Peters’ Birds of Relocation was released on Tuesday and a brief scan of Twitter and Facebook reveals a snap shot of what people are already saying about it:
“. . . one of the most beautiful records I’ve heard in a long while.” –@Nickliao “Another amazing album . . .” –@FMcButter “I’ve been thru the new @ericpetersmusic album 4 times this morning already. Love it!” –@andycheely “Listened straight through the new @ericpetersmusic record. My soul is soaring.” –@danielchristian “One of my favorites of all time by anyone.” –@sdsmith_ “We are loving these songs . . .” –@EnCorpsMusic “. . .this is great music.” –@AndrewPeterson “It will bless you abundantly!” –@lightenupgear “All I can say is WOW!” –@Cam__ “@ericpetersmusic’s new album, BiRDS OF RELOCATiON is amazing!” –@bgum728 “. . . just awesome: full of hope, gratitude, and beauty.” Bret Welstead via Facebook “It’s seriously all kinds of good.” Andrew MacKay via Facebook “This is a fabulous album.” Rebecca MacKay via Facebook
But if you’re still on the fence, you’ve come to the right place. For the next eleven hours we’re going to premiere Birds of Relocation song by song, one song in its entirety each hour between 9am and 8pm CST. For each song, Eric will give some insight into the writing process, and answer any questions you might have. Enjoy the record, folks. You’re in for a real treat.