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New Release: The Shadow Can’t Have Me (by Arthur Alligood)

Matt Connor

Arthur Alligood has a nice surprise for all of us this week with the unexpected release of a brand new album, The Shadow Can’t Have Me.

For those who’ve heard Arthur play his newer material, whether at North Wind Manor, the Local Show, or Hutchmoot, you’ll recognize the vulnerable beauty at work throughout these songs that document the journey into and through the valley of the shadow of death. A community reading of Psalm 23 is the introduction to the album, and the psalm’s theme is woven throughout the ten songs.

Arthur writes the following about the album:

“I am of the opinion that it’s never too late to bring some good news into the world. Well, my current good news, or “gospel” if you will, comes in the form of a new album entitled, The Shadow Can’t Have Me. This is not a perfect album, it’s mostly a collection of one-take demos, some even written on the spot. The fragile nature of the record is fitting because these songs arose out of the last couple of years of my life—a very broken season for me. These are gospel songs for those in the valley—songs that confess the shattered nature of everything and in the same breath point to a hope that is real and eternal. In summation, this is an album for people walking through hell. If you are in the thick of such a journey I pray these songs do what I would hope any song of mine might do. I pray they help.”

You can stream the song “This Is The Way” below. The album is available for free at Noisetrade, but if you’d like to support Arthur (and his family) it’s also for sale here in the Rabbit Room Store.

Matt Conner is a former pastor and church planter turned writer and editor. He’s the founder of Analogue Media and lives in Indianapolis.

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