No, that is not a picture of Haley Joel Osment. No, that picture was not Photoshopped. That’s a little something I stumbled on in Andy Gullahorn’s childhood bedroom last fall. And like the man who found a treasure hidden in a field, I would not rest until I had made it mine-all-mine. And so, after a long absence, the Rabbit Room Song of the Day rises again like an orca off the Alaskan coast.
This is one of my favorites off the new Andy Gullahorn album The Law of Gravity, and it has nothing to do with deer blood on Haley Joel’s face. It’s about opening up to the possibility that God has something good in store for you, sometimes where you least expect it (like a concert, maybe). Or, I think that’s what it’s about. Andy told me he needed a new song for his album and wrote on his studio chalkboard the words “BRAND NEW SONG” as a space-filler at the bottom of the list. Because he’s Andy Gullahorn he decided that was the title of the brand new song, and wrote what you’re about to hear. This is, by his standards, a rocker. Hold on to your seats. And make sure the safety’s on.
Brand New Song
If you came expecting to get nothing back You’ll get nothing back What did you expect But deep sleepwalking is a state of mind Wake up to find
The door wide open And the curtains drawn If you choose to listen To a brand new song
If you’re only looking to find something wrong You’ll find something wrong If it’s right or not Depends on the lens that you’re looking through But there’s a lovely view through the
What are we afraid of? What are we afraid of? What are we afraid of? Why are we afraid of
The door wide open And the curtains drawn Is it the light that can shine On the depths of the dark in our hearts?
Through the door wide open And the curtains drawn When we choose to listen To a brand new song
Be sure and check out Andy’s website here.
And, as with all our CDs, you can purchase a download or a disc here in the Rabbit Room.