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Free Music! Jeremy Casella’s Death in Reverse

In the vast amount of music I’ve listened to over the years, there are only a few albums that I’d call “transcendent,” and that looks awfully dramatic now that I see it in writing. But I don’t know how else to put it, other than they refuse to stay in the background whenever I listen to them, or I can pop them in the CD player anytime and feel carried to another place.

Anyway. What I’m trying to say is Death in Reverse, Jeremy Casella’s 2014 album, is on that special short list. I like to pull it out around Holy Week or the first turn of spring, when I need songs of warmth and resurrection. And if you haven’t had a chance to hear it yet, well hey, you can download it for free right now! And you must, because it’s perfect for your Easter soundtrack.

Just click here and scroll down a bit to sign up for his email list. And to read about the making of the record, take a trip through The Rabbit Room Archives to find his story here.


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