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 New to Membership: Explore giving options for membership, including $10/month!

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The Rabbit Room Membership

Join our core supporters who make the works and events coming out of the Rabbit Room possible

Questions? Email


Here's how we'll thank you for your support!


  • Exclusive behind-the-scenes monthly newsletter

  • Opportunities to attend digital meetups and free event livestreams​​​​​​​​

  • Member Mug available for purchase


All the benefits of  the previous tier including...​


  • Membership Gifts  (like the mug & other quarterly surprises) 

  • Occasional discounts on programs and store!



All the benefits of the previous tier including...​​​


  • A signed print of an original watercolor painting of The Eagle & Child pub by Andrew Peterson.​

  • ​​​Invitations for special Rabbit Room events

Note: All donations are automatically put on a recurring status

More on Membership


Likely you have been stirred by the story, music, and art coming out of the Rabbit Room. You long for more of it and want others to participate in the goodness you have experienced. If that resonates with you, we invite you to join the Rabbit Room Membership. Your donation plays a large role in the creations and operations of our organization. As a thank you, you'll receive small perks throughout the year and regular updates to stay connected with the Rabbit Room’s mission and works.

What does my contribution go towards?

The answer for this is simple. Everything! Your membership helps create, sustain, and improve the works and events of the Rabbit Room. This includes  press titles, podcasts, events like Hutchmoot and the Local Show, theatre productions, and more. Your membership impacts everyday organizational needs and important programs that change the way people experience the Gospel.

Read this article on membership to learn more about its impact: Read here

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Do I receive anything for being a member?

Membership is about supporting our mission to encourage and nourish Christ-centered artists and communities for the life of the world. That being said, we want to acknowledge your generosity with ways to connect you with the Rabbit Room and projects we're excited about. Here are a few things your membership can include...


  • Special monthly newsletter with behind-the-scenes looks and early access to content

  • Tokens of gratitude like the Member Mug and other gifts

  • Feedback and beta-test opportunities to improve programs

  • Quarterly digital meet-ups via Zoom and the Lecture Livestream 

  • Occasional discounts for Rabbit Room programs and the store.

Explore Past Membership Gifts

Member Stories

Our members are the core reason many of the works and events of the Rabbit Room exist. Read some of their stories to see how they were inspired to make an impact.


Meet Eddy
Memphis, TN

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Meet Connie
Fort Wayne, IN

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Meet Trevin
Middle Tennessee

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