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Meet Connie

“One thing I am so thankful to have learned from my Rabbit Room friends is how to be hospitable with art, giving it as a gift and inviting others into it, and seeing how it becomes more powerful when infused with life and relationships.”

Connie was immediately drawn to the “authentic and Kingdom-focused storytelling style in their music, images, and books" coming out of the Rabbit Room. Her belief in the work and passion for the organization further flourished at Hutchmoot 2019. At that Hutchmoot, Connie said…


“I was overwhelmed by the love, encouragement, and sense of belonging I experienced there. Even though I didn’t consider myself an “artist” (something God has changed in my heart since then because of the Rabbit Room), everyone I got to meet and talk to felt like a kindred spirit because of our mutual love and appreciation for beauty, creativity, community, and Jesus. I knew, after that event, that this was a community I wanted to be a part of long-term.”


Connie has been lucky enough to attend Hutchmoot, our annual conference in Nashville, a few times. When asked for her favorite memory she said, “There isn’t one memory that sticks out, but a slideshow of brilliant Polaroids flying across my mental screen that all come together and make me feel like I am at home with friends and family.” 


While there may be no memory that comes to mind, Connie has taken many aspects of the conference back home to her local community. In particular, Connie was encouraged by the idea of creative collaboration at Hutchmoot 2023 and invited her care team into a special opportunity to show the power and provision of God’s kindess over us and who we surround ourself with. She says,


 “I have a unique situation (I think), because I have a physical disability that makes me dependent on caregivers who come in and out of my house throughout the day, most of whom are volunteers and friends. There are about 30 women involved in my care team, and I have met most of them through each other…I shared with them about this concept of creating something beautiful and meaningful together, there were two responses: first, they said we are doing that already, just in the ways we love and serve one another; second, they said we should do a project together that could portray this. So we’ve worked on a piece of string art that has become a beautiful picture of God weaving and connecting us with one another through his love and faithfulness to all of us.” 


Who's Your Favorite Literary Character of All Time?


"Peter Pan – I think he is quite possibly the most fascinating and complex fictional character ever written, charming and devastating, attractive and tragic… I could talk about him for hours, so any time you’re up for a cup of tea and a deep conversation about the Boy, please give me a call!"

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Pictured: Connie's project done with her caregivers and Hutchmoot with a friend

Connie has noted that this idea of collaboration and encouragement is woven throughout her experience at the Rabbit Room. In fact, she went further to say that there’s a sense of selflessness that is rare in “the art world”, making those values feel even deeper. 


“Rabbit Room artists are not consumed with their own need to be noticed and praised, so they are free to notice and praise each other, honoring the good gifts and work that are shared. It’s not competitive; it’s collaborative, and it is what I believe the kingdom of God looks like.


Their is no doubt that Connie is a champion of all things Rabbit Room. And because of her belief in the mission and work, she stepped into giving! Connie decided to become a Rabbit Room member, a reucrring financial supporter of the work, because she saw that this organization was meeting a need in a beautiful and unique way. 


“I have been encouraged tremendously through my encounters with the Rabbit Room, so I want to do what I can to help it grow and continue to be a light and a blessing. From the moment I first felt like I belonged, I wanted to support and invest in this important ministry.” 


Do you champion the works of the Rabbit Room? Have you seen the works and events of the Rabbit Room impact your life or the lives of others? Consider joining Connie as a Rabbit Room member to help us grow the life of the Rabbit Room together! 

Please note: Member interviews were edited and condensed for clarity.

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Meet Micah

Topeka, Kansas

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Sandia, TX

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Middle Tennessee

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