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Hutchmoot Headed Your Way

For the past 10 years, Hutchmoot has been an opportunity for like-minded people from far and wide to gather in Nashville and celebrate art, music, story, and faith. But as we all know, this year has been full of surprises.

Given the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic in America and the difficulty of predicting the next few months, we’ve made the tough decision to cancel Hutchmoot 2020. If you’re registered for this year’s conference, your ticket will transfer automatically to Hutchmoot 2021, or, if you prefer, we’ll issue a refund instead (watch your email for details).

But we aren’t just packing up the show and turning off the lights. Instead of asking you to come to Nashville this year, we’re changing our approach and making Hutchmoot outward bound; we’re coming to you. We’ve put our heads together and have come up with something that we hope will help you begin cultivating community right where you are.

From our home to yours, Hutchmoot: Homebound is on its way. We hope it not only encourages you where you are, but ultimately helps point the way toward where we're going. Pete Peterson

This October, from North Wind Manor in Nashville, Tennessee, we’re sending you a taste of the Rabbit Room in the form of Hutchmoot: Homebound. This multi-media event features an array of content hosted on a website exclusively for registered guests. From there, over the course of this multi-day digital event, you and your family and friends will be able to access a rich variety of content featuring live music; a keynote address by filmmaker, legendary musician, and Lipscomb University’s Director of the School of Theatre and Cinematic Arts, Steve Taylor; and, as always, sessions on art, music, and story from a variety of speakers. We even have a few surprises in store. But on top of all of that, we aim to provide you with tools and opportunities to connect with people in real time right where you are, wherever you are (and yes, that includes international folks). Once the event is over, we hope you’ll feel the boundaries of home have expanded to include new faces, new voices, and new ideas.

We’re aiming for a ticket price of just $20, and there’s no limit to how many can join. So for the first time ever, everyone who wants to join the feast will be able to find a seat at the table.

From our home to yours, Hutchmoot: Homebound is on its way. We hope it not only encourages you where you are, but ultimately helps point the way toward where we’re going.

Registration will begin at in the near future. We’ll have more information and further details as things develop. Stay safe, and stay tuned.

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