This time around it’s a Jill Phillips song called “Square Peg” that she herself wrote (rather than her husband Andy Gullahorn). I picked this one (from her album Nobody’s Got it all Together) because it was the inspiration for the Square Peg Alliance‘s name, and because I love singing it with her when we do shows together.\
SQUARE PEG by Jill Phillips
Like a square peg in a round hole I can’t seem to fit their mold And make my way past the entrance I have had my turn to play But never understood their game And much less how someone wins it
Always looking in Never seem to fit But you’ve been there before Do you have a place For losers in this race Cause I can’t run it anymore
It is said that the rain will fall Equally upon us all And there is no rhyme or reason Still I find myself surprised When it seems like its my time To walk in that rainy season Always looking in Never seem to fit But you’ve been there before Do you have a place For losers in this race Cause I can’t run it anymore
Nothing has turned out as planned And all I have left is to throw up my hands You never led me the safe way And this time’s no different I’ll walk it again, again
Like a square peg in a round hole I will never fit that mold So why even try Why even try Always looking in Never seem to fit But you’ve been there before Do you have a place For losers in this race Cause I can’t run it anymore