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Hutchmoot UK 2020: Cancelled

Hello, folks. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, we’ve kept a close watch on developments with an eye toward the viability of Hutchmoot UK this August.

Might this all pass over by then? Yes, it may, though it seems unlikely. But even were the church venue permitted to host a gathering of this size, drawing together a diverse group of people from all over the world to mingle in close quarters for three days before returning home to friends and loved ones is an enormous risk given the infectious nature of this illness.

The gospel calls us to care for our friends and neighbors each and every day, and in extraordinary days that means caring with extraordinary measures. Pete Peterson

As an organization that exists to foster community, one of our primary concerns is with the health and safety of everyone involved (both you and our staff, musicians, and speakers). The gospel calls us to care for our friends and neighbors each and every day, and in extraordinary days that means caring with extraordinary measures. To that end, we’ve come to the conclusion that the wisest and most loving course of action is to cancel Hutchmoot UK in 2020 and turn our focus toward returning to Oxford with a great gathering in 2021.

In the meantime, the Rabbit Room is in the early planning stages of a digital event to take place this fall which will be open to everyone, everywhere. Stay tuned for more on that as plans develop.

Today we’ll be issuing full refunds to everyone who has registered for Hutchmoot UK. We expect news of the cancellation will be a disappointment to some and a relief to others. Believe me when I tell you we feel the same. We’re eager to bring people together again, in person, but when we do we want it to be safe and free from anxiety so we can all focus on the feast at hand. We hope to see you in 2021.


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