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Meanwhile in the Forums: Baseball, Kubo, Kickstarter, Community, & more

Lots going on in the forums this week. We love hearing all the new voices in the room and there are great conversations taking shape all the time. Not sure where to jump in? Here are a few ideas:

  1. David Mitchel started a discussion to celebrate the Art of Baseball.

  2. Jonny Jimison wants to know what you thought of Kubo and the Two Strings (get thee to a theater!).

  3. There’s a new thread to keep track of new Kickstarter projects that may be interesting to RR readers.

  4. Looking for community in your life? You aren’t the only one.

  5. Are you a poet looking for feedback? Join the Poet’s Corner forum and join others who are honing their work.

  6. Have artwork of your own to share? Put it on the Community Fridge.

  7. Looking for new music? Have you discovered something new and want to share it? Check out the What’s New? thread.

Pull up a seat and jump into a conversation. We want to know what’s on your mind.

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