I have to admit, I usually tune out podcast recommendations—listening to people talk just puts me to sleep (my college classmates can attest to that). But I’m making an effort to learn to listen, because I spend a LOT of time at my drawing board, and my music just ain’t cuttin’ it.
So I’ve begun to explore all that the world of podcasting has to offer—and lo and behold, I find
Tom and Tony Bancroft are twin brothers who went through the legendary CalArts university together and worked at Disney Animation Studios for twelve years. Among their many animation credits are the following: Tony co-directed Mulan and supervised the animation on Pumbaa in The Lion King and Kronk in The Emperor’s New Groove; Tom designed and animated Mushu in Mulan and, incidentally, wrote one of my favorite how-to books, Creating Characters with Personality.
If you’re an animation geek like I am, you’ll love the interviews with animation legends (Andreas Deja! Glen Keane! Pete Docter!) and discussions on the history and future of animation (is 2D animation dead, or just sleeping?).
If you’re not, there’s still plenty to love here—insight, honesty, and encouragement on maintaining creative discipline and perseverance.
Check out their most popular podcast episode, “Failures, Flubs and Frustrations,” in which they discuss some of the most difficult experiences of their careers.
…and now it’s your turn. What podcasts do you recommend?
Anything is fair game, but if you share podcasts related to creativity or the arts, I’ll compile some of them into a future post.