A Modern Rendering of John Donne's Devotions
by Philip Yancey
A Lenten Reading Group
During Lent of 2024, the Rabbit Room hosted this five week Lenten reading group. The group discussed Lenten themes, including suffering, illness, and mortality through the lens of Philip Yancey’s Undone: A Modern Rendering of John Donne’s Devotions. Special guests included Jonathan Rogers, Pete Peterson, Doug McKelvey, and Philip Yancey.
Download the pdf companion guide, which includes excerpts from the book, discussion questions, and an appendix with additional reading suggestions.
Scroll down to find the reading schedule, recordings of the zoom calls, and additional resources for each session.

Week 1
Reading: Preface - Chapter 6
Zoom Discussion:
Week 2
Reading: Chapters 7-12
Zoom Discussion:

Jonathan Rogers

A. S. Peterson
Week 3
Reading: Chapters 13-18
Click here to watch the film of Rabbit Room Theatre's 2023 production of The Hiding Place.
Click here to join the watch party at North Wind Manor on March 8th.
Or host your own watch party using the PDF film discussion guide.
Zoom Discussion with Special Guest A. S. Peterson:
Week 4
Reading: Chapters 19-25
Resources: ​
Liturgies based on Undone from Every Moment Holy vol. 3
Video of the Liturgy “A Prayer of Intercession Against the Kingdom of Death” (from Every Moment Holy vol. 2 read by Joshua Luke Smith.)
Zoom Discussion with Special Guest Doug McKelvey:

Douglas McKelvey

Philip Yancey
Week 5
Reading: Chapters 26-30
Listen to interviews with Philip on:
Zoom Discussion with Special Guest Philip Yancey: