Heavy and Hopeful: Zane Vickery’s Interloper
With soul-deep songwriting and a massive sound, Interloper is a furious, tender exploration of what it means to survive a brush with death.
Heavy and Hopeful: Zane Vickery’s Interloper
The Green Place
Stuff We Liked in 2020
Advent, Week Four: The Peace of Pierced Souls
The Unbridled Joy of Making It
Fixed In Post: Quarantine Edition
Hero-worship, Humor & the Harrowing Rescue of Jojo Rabbit
Onward and the Quest for the Father
1917 and the Futile Pilgrimage
The Return of The Resistance
Just Mercy & The Changing of a Mind
Stuff We Liked in 2019
The Habit Podcast, Episode 28: Chris Wall
The Silence & Presence of God: Moviegoing with Ingmar Bergman
The Slugs & Bugs Show: A Review
Fixed in Post: Once Upon A Time in Hollywood
Imitation, Theft, and Collaboration