Update: Tonight is the final week of our “How Did We Get the Bible” class. Dr. Trafton will discuss how Scripture has been translated and passed down to us over the centuries. Previous attendance isn’t necessary. Email pete@rabbitroom.com if you’d like to come and I’ll send you the address.
For the past few weeks, Jennifer and I have attended a class on the history of the Bible. It’s been a fascinating exploration into the historicity of what we believe, and how the Christian faith has come down to us across the centuries. But this wasn’t a class taught by a well-meaning deacon who’d read a few books and remembered a few things from Bible college.
This class was taught by a professor who recently retired from nearly 40 years of teaching New Testament at Western Kentucky University, by someone who has himself worked with the Dead Sea Scrolls (and can read them to you). This was a class taught by a man who has invested a lifetime of research and scholarship into Scripture and speaks on it knowledgeably and passionately—and with a contagious curiosity that’s fun and engaging.
Of our teacher, Michael Card (whose classes many of you have enjoyed) says:
What you want is a scholar with a pastor’s heart. You want someone who has done their homework and has thereby done some of your homework for you. You want someone who understands that teaching is really just one way to wash feet. All of this describes Dr. Joe Trafton. He has encouraged me with his scholarship and his life for 30 years.
Oh, and I should mention that he’s my father-in-law.
Jennifer had always told me what a great teacher her dad was, and I’m so glad we had the chance to attend this class so I could experience his mind myself and marvel at his way with students and his passion for Scripture.
Upon completion of the course, I immediately asked him if he’d be willing to come out to North Wind Manor and teach for the Rabbit Room community, and I’m thrilled that he’s agreed.
If you’ve ever wondered if the Bible is trustworthy. If you’ve ever wondered where exactly it came from, how it came together, how it arrived in English, or whether it’s authentic, I encourage you to come out and join us. Some of the answers may surprise you, and I guarantee you’ll be captivated and edified Dr. Trafton’s teaching.
We’re going to start on Monday, March 13th @ 7:00pm. There’s no cost, but we do encourage folks to bring a snack to share. We’ll run for five consecutive weeks as Dr. Trafton leads us from the collection of the Torah to the gospels and all the way up through the translations we read today. This is a great opportunity to look closely at one of the foundations of our faith and we hope you’ll join us.
Week 1: The Contents of the Bible Week 2: The Canonization of the Old Testament Week 3: The Canonization of the New Testament Week 4: The Transmission of the Hebrew and Greek Texts Week 5: The Translation of the Bible
If you’d like to come, please RSVP to pete@rabbitroom.com. Space is limited to about 25 seats.