NORTH AMERICAN UPDATE: At close to 250 responses already, I’m wondering where the good people of Alaska, Connecticut, Deleware, Hawaii, Maryland, Montana, Neveda, both Dakotas Rhode Island, Utah and Wyoming are.
And Canada, I know where you are, but… where are you? Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario have thrown out a wave, but what about the other 9 Provinces?
So I’m curious. Where do all you regular Rabbit Room readers live? If you read this blog on what you would deem at least a semi- regular basis, would you be so kind as to post a reply with just your loaction– city, state/province, country? I know many of you don’t usually post comments, but maybe just this once? Creating a login is easy, and you don’t have to give us any personal info.
I’ll start. Olathe, Kansas, USA