by the Rabbit Room
Whether you’ve already bought your ticket and want to see all you have to look forward to, or you’re on the fence and want to know more before you commit, here is how we’ll be spending our weekend on October 9th-11th.
While this schedule will give you an overview of primary events, it represents only a fraction of the content available to guests. There is a lot more to explore than what is listed here, such as an entire program of events for kids in the Playroom (with concerts, story times, and more), sessions and discussions and more in the Art Studio, mysterious goings-on in The Forest, the first ever (and possibly the last ever) Hutchmoot: Homebound Challenge, and an array of artists who will be stopping by to play a few songs in the Backyard. Trust us when we tell you there’s a reason you’ll need two weeks to take it all in. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

All times are CST, but nearly all content will be archived so you can access it on your own time, should you choose.
*Schedule subject to change
*Full session descriptions will be posted in the coming weeks
Friday, October 9th
NOTE: Sessions/events will be archived and viewable until October 23, 2020.
11:00 a.m. Welcome to Hutchmoot: Homebound!
12:00 p.m. Sessions
“The Sacred and the Profane: Caravaggio and the Paradox of Corruption and Grace” (Russ Ramsey)
“From Text to Image: A How-to Conversation” (David & Phaedra Taylor)
“The Pivot: Hutchmoot Edition” (Andrew Osenga & Santosh John)
“Redemptive Imagination in the Garden” (Julie Witmer)
2:00 p.m. Sessions
“Awaking Wonder” (Sally Clarkson)
“Why We Need Fiction for Moral Formation” (Russell Moore)
“Ain’t Gonna Lay My Religion Down” (Buddy Greene & Odessa Settles)
“Visual Arts and Faith 101” (Rabbit Room Artists) **
4:00 p.m. The Gullahorn Happy Hour (Andy Gullahorn & Jill Phillips)
7:00 p.m. Music and Poetry (Sara Groves, Propaganda, Joshua Luke Smith, and John Mark McMillan)
Saturday, October 10th
10:00 a.m. Sessions
“Neil Gaiman Goes to Narnia” (Russell Moore)
“The Old House & the New Creation” (Andrew Peterson & Lanier Ivester)
“Recovery, Escape, & Consolation: The Gifts of Fantasy” (Jonathan Rogers & Helena Sorensen)
1:00 p.m. Sessions
“A Theology of the Blues & Belonging” (Ruth Naomi Floyd)
“Starseek to Swordplay” (S. D. Smith, Kevan Chandler, & Connie Chandler)
“Stealing Past the Watchful Dragons” (Heidi Johnston, Andrew Roycroft, & Ross Wilson)
“Pass the Piece–Collaboration and Creativity” (Rabbit Room Artists)
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. In the Neighborhood
7:00 p.m. Special Guest Speaker: Steve Taylor
8:00 p.m. Music: Andrew Peterson
Sunday, October 11th
10:15 a.m. Hymn Sing with Jess Ray & Taylor Leonhardt (Mission House)
11:00 a.m. The Rabbit Room Presents: TBD
12:00 p.m. Closing and Farewell