The past year has gone by so quickly that we’ve hardly had a chance to stop and catch our breath, and the Rabbit Room has grown in a lot of ways over the last twelve months. Some of the biggest changes have been in the Rabbit Room team itself and it’s worth taking a moment to introduce everyone to some new people working behind the scenes.
First up is our Content Developer, Drew Miller. Many of you will recognize Drew as one of the driving members of The Orchardist (who amiably parted ways a few months ago). For the past year, he’s been doing an amazing job coordinating the content of the website by communicating with writers and keeping a lookout for new talent. He’s also the lead producer of the Rabbit Room Podcast Network, which recently finished up season one of The Second Muse and is preparing to launch The Artist’s Creed. Drew makes it all look easy and we’re grateful to have him on the team.

Drew Miller: Content Developer
Next up is our Head of Sales and Administration, Chris Thiessen. If you’re one of the thousands who placed an order with the Rabbit Room Store last year, Chris was probably the person who packed that order and shipped it. But Chris is not only a rockstar in the shipping office; he also handles our customer service, donor administration, and most recently he’s taken on the curation of Rabbit Room playlists on Spotify and Apple Music as well as providing blog content from time to time, AND managing the Local Show. Be kind to this good man. He works his butt off.

Chris Thiessen: Head of Sales and Administration
If you’ve spent much time in Nashville, you probably already know Rob Wheeler (seriously, Rob knows everyone, right?). We officially welcomed him to the crew early in 2018 to work in Community Care & Development. He heads up the local Rabbit Room prayer team, develops community relationships and helps out in a variety of other areas. Many of you may know Rob from his work with Friends of L’Abri: Nashville, which he founded and has grown from a small group to a vibrant community. We’re lucky to have him on board.

Rob Wheeler: Community Care & Development
And most recently (just last week in fact) we added our newest team member: Shigé Clark, Head of Communications and Donor Development. She’ll be helping out in many different areas as we work to refine the way the Rabbit Room communicates and executes its mission through programs, events, and public awareness. We’re excited about the skill-set Shigé brings to the team and we can’t wait for all of you to meet her.

Shigé Clark: Head of Communications and Donor Development
And finally, the Rabbit Room added a board member this year. To our founding seven members, we’ve welcomed Steve Guthrie. Steve is a professor of theology at Belmont University, a two-time Hutchmoot speaker, and member of a Beatles tribute band (which we don’t hold against him). We’re grateful for the wisdom and university experience he brings to the leadership of the organization and we look forward to his participation for years to come.

Steve Guthrie: New Board Member
See what I mean? That’s FIVE new folks added to the team just in the last twelve months (it wasn’t so long ago that it was just me and Kaitlyn!) We’re incredibly grateful for every one of these good people and love the passion and skills each of them bring to the Rabbit Room. Andrew and I couldn’t get much done without them, and we’re anxious to see all the ways in which the many Rabbit Room communities out there will be blessed by their work.
So next time you run into one of these folks at the Local Show, or Hutchmoot, or a convention, or anywhere else, consider taking a moment to say hello and thank them for all they do behind the scenes.