Tanka is a cousin to the popular poetic form of the haiku. The word tanka translates to short song. Originating in medieval Japan, it is a free verse poem consisting of 31 syllables. Early Japanese writers composed these in one unbroken line; contemporary Japanese tankas are now written in three lines. English tankas are also 31 syllables but in five lines and a 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 syllable/line pattern.
Like a haiku, a tanka focuses on one thing; but it is different from a haiku because it is not just about capturing a moment in time and in nature. A tanka describes something in a stirring or profound way while also holding onto something universal. Key to a tanka is the emotional response starting around the third line.
A Trilogy of Advent Tanka Poems was written in December 2021. While reading several passages in Isaiah and ruminating on a series of Advent sermons, I challenged myself to write one tanka a week. Hope in Christ’s return, the final fulfillment of our salvation, and the renewal of creation tug strongly at my heart and imagination during Advent season. I tried to bring that into these poems.
“. . . and the stillness the dancing.” -T.S. Elliot
As if Mary’s yes opened the dark skies for the light to appear and then blink along smooth waters, while kingfishers and herons sat still, waiting for the dawn.
Isaiah 35:1
A fir tree’s fresh scent— a hint that one day streams of living water will flow through the wilderness and the deserts will blossom bright.
Matthew 1:19-25
This time of year I often remember Joseph giving up his life for Mary and also how you follow in his footsteps.