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Read It Now: The Door on Half-Bald Hill

Nearly four years ago, when Helena Sorensen and I had our first conversations about publishing The Door on Half-Bald Hill, we didn’t have any idea how relevant it would prove to be here in the midst of the COVID-19 quarantine. It’s a tale of an isolated people whose world is on the verge of collapse amid blight and plague, and it’s the journey of a young man who refuses to believe the end is inevitable. Though the emotional and physical landscape of the book is bleak, its destination is bright as the dawn.

To find that right now, at this strange moment in history, that we have a beautiful book that can speak directly into the fears and questions that people are experiencing seems more than a little surreal. It seems blessed, if I’m honest. And so, even though the physical book won’t be available until May 22 (and manufacturing delays are likely), we (both Helena and Rabbit Room Press) want to get this story out there so people can be blessed by it right now. To that end, today we’re emailing a PDF of the book (complete with artwork by Stephen Crotts) to everyone who has pre-ordered it. And we’re making it available as a free download for anyone else who pre-orders it through the Rabbit Room Store.

I hope it’s a balm for your soul. I know it has been for mine.

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