“If we want everything to stay as it is, everything has to change.“
This is one of the great insights of the Sicilian aristocrat, Giuseppe di Lampedusa, in his great, but only, novel The Leopard. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t thinking about Hutchmoot exactly when his character Prince Tancredi utters this pearl, but he might as well have! It is entirely apt.
As the first international offspring of Hutchmoot Nashville, Hutchmoot UK has so far taken place twice in Oxford (in 2019 and then 2022) to great acclaim and rejoicing. But for various reasons, we are moving in 2023 to Derbyshire. St Andrew’s Church in north Oxford was the perfect venue to launch and establish the event but we have quickly outgrown it (quite apart from the fact that being a lively and active local church, we are restricted to the few windows in their hectic calendar). So we’re stepping out in faith to build on what we have done so far and are very excited to see what will come of it.

There are a lot of benefits of moving to Swanwick. The Hayes Conference Centre is a huge site, in which we’ll have exclusive use of half the space (including performance and exhibition spaces, breakout rooms and lounge areas).
Expect all the regular features of HMUK like:
Music in the round and concert performances
Scores of Seminar sessions on all kinds of topics related to the arts and creativity, Christian discipleship, and spirituality.
A keynote address and plenary gatherings
Plenty of time and space to relax, meet and chat with friends, take time out, do as much or as little as you would like to do
New for HMUK 2023:
Exhibition space at which attenders can display and sell artwork
Opportunities for writers, musicians, and artisans to sell merchandise
The chance to meet Rabbit Room friends from your area in the UK and beyond.
The Derbyshire countryside is glorious! The Peak District National Park is on the doorstep, and wonder that is Chatsworth House is only 40 minutes away.
We are acutely conscious of the economic pressures that many are under this winter and one major factor in moving is the fact that Oxford is an incredibly expensive city at the best of times. So while the price of tickets may seem initially greater, by the time you factor in full board and lodging it actually works out considerably cheaper. So our hope and prayer is that few will be prevented from coming for financial reasons.
Details of speakers and performers will be released as they are confirmed – but save the date and spread the word! Tickets go on sale Wednesday, January 4th at 7am in the UK (that’s the middle of the night in the US).