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Table of Contents: Every Moment Holy, Vol. II: Death, Grief, and Hope

As we approach the release of Every Moment Holy, Vol. II, we thought it would be helpful to give you a peek into the extensive territory covered by its liturgies. The book is broken up into three main sections—liturgies “For Seasons of Dying,” “For Seasons of Grieving,” and “Liturgies of the Moment”—and ends with the benediction “A Liturgy of Praise to Christ Who Conquered Death.” Click through for the full list. Order here

Liturgies for Seasons of Dying

For When the News is Bad For Hours of Uncertainty For the Feeling of Infirmities Before a Medical Treatment For the Morning of a Medical Procedure For Dying Well For a Time of Widespread Suffering For Those Who Tend a Loved One in Decline Interceding for One Slowly Losing Function For Those Facing the Slow Loss of Memory For Long-Term Care Givers For Caregivers in Need of Rest For the Living of Last Things Praise for This Day of Life Releasing Ambitions & Embracing Christ For Preparing the Heart to Return to God What Is His Seeking Amendment & Reconciliation Stir Courage in a Child Facing Death For a Child Contemplating Heaven For Those Who Will Gather to Grieve For Me For the Dying and Their Friends For Those Who Tend the Sick or Dying A Lesson We May Learn from Death Giving Voice to the Costly Confession For Moments When Dying Feels Unfair For those Enduring Lasting Pain For One Who Lingers in a Long Dying For the Speaking of Meaningful Things One Might Record for Their Own Funeral For Letting Go of the Hope of Recovery For the Weighing of Last-Stage Medical Options 12 Meditations to Anchor the Heart in Eternal Hopes To Begin a Beside Vigil Before Ending Life Support For the Final Hours Momentary Liturgies Intercession Against the Kingdom of Death

Liturgies for Seasons of Grieving

Lamenting the Passing of a Public Figure For the Wake of a National Tragedy For Grieving a Death Due to Natural Disaster For the Loss of a Close Sibling For the Loss of a Loving Parent For the Loss of a Spouse For Grieving a Death Due to Violence For Those Who Have Suffered a Stillbirth or Miscarriage For One Who Suffers Shame or Guilt after a Miscarriage For the Loss of a Child Grieving the Loss of One Whose Relationship to Their Creator Was Unknown Before Mourning with Those Who Mourn For the Morning of a Funeral I For the Morning of a Funeral II Lament for a Loss Forgiving Unintended Wounds For One Responsible for an Accidental Death For Those Who Feel Abandoned By One Who Chose Suicide For Grieving Well Amidst the Confusion of a Suicide For One Who Suffers Grief & Guilt Over a Past Abortion For Caregivers after the Loss of a Loved One For the Scattering of Ashes For Missing Someone To Welcome Another Into My Grief For a Friend of One Who Grieves Upon Waking from a Disturbing Dream of One Lost Upon Waking from a Comforting Dream of One Lost For the Litany of Regrets For When Someone Thinks You Should Be Over It By Now For Those Who Share a Common Loss To Begin a Family Gathering After Loss For Removing One’s Wedding Ring For Sorting Through A Loved One’s Things For Returning to Daily Life after Loss For a Loss Experienced Anew Daily For the Hardship of Holidays For the Anniversary of a Loss For Remembering the Life of One We Loved For Embracing Both Joy & Sorrow

Liturgies of the Journey: I. A Liturgy for Those Shocked By Loss II. A Liturgy for the Pain of Loss III. A Liturgy for Seasons of Frustration & Anger IV. A Liturgy for When the Long Sadness has Settled In V. A Liturgy for the First Glimpse of New Hope VI. A Liturgy for Beginning to Rebuild VII. A Liturgy of Thanksgiving at the Return of Joy

Liturgies of the Moment

Upon Feeling a Stab of Grief For the Grieving Who Have Lost Direction For Loving Well in Times of Sorrow For the Navigation of Shared Grief Upon Feeling the Urge to Lash Out at Another Upon Feeling Frustration at Others For the Cultivation of Compassion For Anchoring the Heart Upon Feeling a Surge of Sadness For Trusting in Christ’s Abiding Presence For Extending Kindness to One Who Grieves For Charity in Sorrow Upon Learning of a Friend’s Miscarriage For Centering the Heart in the Faithfulness of God For Those Who See No Quick End to Their Grief For Times of Turbulent Emotion For Calm in Times of Storm Upon Learning of an Indigent Death For Navigating Difficult Moments For Difficult Days For a Troubling Hour For the Shaping of My Heart For Comfort in Sadness For Hope Amidst Sorrows I For Hope Amidst Sorrows II For When There are No Words For Caregivers When Hope Seems Far Off For When it Feels Like the World is Falling Apart In the Wake of Tragedy


A Liturgy of Praise to Christ Who Conquered Death


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