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The Magnificent Unveiling of the Rabbit Room Press

I have big dreams for the Rabbit Room. I dream of a place with a roaring fire and a stone hearth. Books line the walls. The air is full of the sound of happy chatter and the smell of warm drinks. There’s a little stage where songwriters and storytellers can work their magic. Also, there are desserts. Hot apple crisp, per the Proprietor’s request.

But there’s more. In the back, through a set of old wooden doors, churns a printing press, publishing works of literary worth and wonder authored by men and women who value apple crisp as much as the .

So far, the Rabbit Room only exists online (and in Oxford, England). But behold, the gates have swung wide on the virtual back room where the virtual printing press steams and clatters and spews grand works of (virtual) genius into the world.

What, Proprietor, is this first book? Is it an illustrated edition of Chesterton’s Orthodoxy? Is it a graphic novel of George MacDonal’s Lilith? Is it our own Pete Peterson’s swashbuckling adventure (and romance!) novel The Fiddler’s Gun?

All in good time, dear readers! All in good time.Proprietor

No, the first ever Rabbit Room Press publication is none other than an Epic Space Adventure compressed into a Ten Page Children’s Book. I present to you Revenge of the Birds.

(The cover, featuring genuine 1983-era faux wood wallpaper and blue punch-tape lettering.)

It features a courageous main character named Geolly (pronounced gee-olly). It is fraught with foiled plans and daring infiltrations and a race of alien birds. It is a limited edition pressing of Eric Peters’s harrowing tale, written in 1983, when the author was in the 5th grade, and beloved by fans ever since.

In all seriousness, the book is an exact page-for-page facsimile of the book Eric wrote and bound for his dad. For an autographed (and personalized, if you wish) copy of this luminous work, visit the Rabbit Room Store. It’s the perfect addition to your Eric Peters library, and it would make a grand Father’s Day present. Hurry, because the first printing is only a hundred books, and they’re going fast.

Your kids will love it. And you will laugh. When you read the touching dedication from a 10-year-old to his dad, you might cry too. But you’ll probably just laugh.


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