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The RR Book Group: Just Mercy

Take a few moments to scroll through Facebook or watch the news, and it’s tempting to despair. That’s how I’ve felt over the past week, with every new bit of information about last weekend’s violence in Charlottesville. Clashing ideologies, supremacy, racism, hate, power, and so many images of people doing violence not just with bodies, but with words. Some days it’s all too much to take. Some days, it’s hard to believe brave souls are out there doing their part to heal the wounds, dismantling oppression one merciful act at a time.

It’s hard, tiring work, but it’s worth knowing about. It makes us all a little bit braver.

That’s the kind of story told in Just Mercy (see our Rabbit Reads recommendation). Bryan Stevenson’s account of judicial inequality is compelling and eye-opening, but most of all, his thoughtful arguments and steadfast dedication give me hope. And if you’re like me, you could use a little bit of that right now.

There’s a lot to say in the conversation about race and justice, and we want The Rabbit Room to be the sort of place where those conversations flow freely. That’s why we’re inviting you to read Just Mercy with us this fall.

Click to buy Just Mercy at the Rabbit Room Store

Starting September 5th, Laure Hittle and I will be hosting a conversation as we read through the book. Every Tuesday, we’ll share some questions to spark discussion about the stories in the book and ways we can practice reconciliation and justice in our families, churches, and all the places we call home.

Here’s the reading plan:

  1. 9/5 – Intro, Ch 1-4

  2. 9/12 – Ch 5-8

  3. 9/19 – Ch 9-12

  4. 9/26 – Ch 13-16

  5. 10/3 – Break for Hutchmoot / Catch-up

  6. 10/10 – Epilogue and Post-Script, Wrap-up week

We hope you’ll join us! Pick up a copy in The Rabbit Room Store, and invite your friends to join the conversation. See you on September 5th!


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