For many months, we at the Rabbit Room have been eagerly anticipating the day that these brand-new, freshly-illustrated, hardbound editions of one of our favorite stories would be ready to share with readers and toothy cows everywhere.
Well friends, today is that glorious day. With gratitude in our hearts and shipping supplies standing at the ready, we release these little bits of magic into the world. We hope they bring you deep delight and renew your enchantment with the worlds both within their pages and without.
To celebrate, here are just a few of the many wonderful things the Rabbit Room readership has had to say about what the Wingfeather Saga means to them.

“Read The Wingfeather Saga to be thrust into a world of adventure, danger, beauty, and wonder, and ultimately to better know the Maker!” —Scott Neville
“Andrew Peterson’s Wingfeather Saga profoundly works on the reader long after the final page of each book is read.” —Nathaniel Miller
“In a home full of teenagers, this series profoundly deals with not just the evil without, but the darkness within. It has given us tools for conversation and hope when the way seems treacherous. I am so grateful for this series!” —Carleen Hobbs
“You need to read these because they are the best and most entertaining books since C. S. Lewis’ Narnia series, and you will love them—I promise.” —Janice
“The Wingfeather Saga is a surprisingly poignant tale of adventure and family that will have readers of all ages up turning pages into the wee hours of the night.” —Savannah Grace
“The gift of the Wingfeathers’ is the opportunity to see yourself in each character’s peril and penance and begin to interpret your own story through tragedy and triumph as the plot unfolds.” —Jonathan Lawrence
“Honestly, The Wingfeather Saga moved my soul in ways I never thought possible. I was delighted and shaken to my core by its conclusion.” —Heather May Jordan
“My oldest daughter (11 at the time) read the first book and then brought it to me to read aloud to all of her sisters. “This is something we need to experience together as a family,” she said. She was right. It remains one of our favorite family read-aloud series ever.” —Melissa McMahan
“The themes of The Wingfeather Saga are so rich, and the books are not only excellently written (and hard to put down), but also such a good reminder of the wonder and hope in life despite struggles, pain, and sadness.” —Kelley Post
“These books will teach you and your children to be brave and noble in the face of adversity.” —Caleb Cooke
“It inspires young and old readers to harness their imagination and spirit and use it for the good of the Kingdom.” —Rachael Alexander
“The Wingfeather Saga doesn’t just let our families know that great evils like toothy cows and Gnag the Nameless exist, but to show us that they can be beaten.” —Allison Lee Redd
“These books captured our imaginations and gave our family a more visceral understanding of redemption and hope and how to live courageously in the already/not yet of God’s kingdom.” —Rachel Speer Donahue
“So excited for these new editions, probably more so than my kids.” —BethAnne Dunphy
“This series will encourage kids of all ages to think outside the box and use their imaginations. It isn’t just a good story, it’s great writing. They’ll learn an appreciation of words through the skillful descriptions of the world Andrew has created. These books make my heart sing! The threads of truth that are woven throughout the saga make for excellent conversations around some difficult topics.” —Meg McAusland

“My favorite part of the story for my kids was the relationship between the siblings. There was so much love, but also relational difficulty and frustration. It was a hit from ages 7 up to 45.” —Lanette Young Tyler
“It’s a wonderfully fun read for different generations to read together!” —Lydia Percival Meuret
“The Wingfeather Saga is like The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe taken one step further by a family who knows what it means to truly lay your life down for your friends against great odds and peril. Deeply engaging.” —Tess Cox
“Beautifully-crafted, gospel-echoing stories have the power to open our eyes and encourage our hearts, and The Wingfeather Saga has gifted those to me.” —Jomona Williamson
“The Wingfeather Saga is a series that begins simply, continues to improve and deepen with each succeeding book, and ends with a journey of perseverance, and hope, and heroism, and rescue in The Warden and the Wolf King (my favorite).” —Sherry Early
“Everyone should read The Wingfeather Saga because it’s a story that is wonderful, exciting, sorrowful, joyful, heart-changing, and magnificent—it truly speaks to the struggles, joys, sorrows, & triumphs each of us experience in our own lives!” —Linda Hoover

“If you are troubled by the world around you, just wait until you and your children enter the world of Aerwiar where danger, as well as glory, wait around every bend; but fear not, your guide is both trustworthy and courageous and though he will tell the truth, even hard truths, he will also tell it with a gleaming hope, even to the end.” —Kara Chase
“The Wingfeather Saga is beautifully crafted story that has terror, humor, compassion, adventure, and of course dragons.” —Marilyn Leslie
“My 10yo friend said he likes them more than Harry Potter, and this kid has been an HP aficionado for YEARS. This is the kid who shows up to our community group in his HP robes.” —Bethany Warner
“My son loves a good story, but doesn’t like to read books. Once I had read the first book aloud, The Wingfeather Saga was so engaging, my son picked up the next one and read ahead on his own!” —Caryn Caffee
“Middle grade adventure novels usually spur young readers to soar to greater heights in their imaginations. The Wingfeather Saga succeeds in that and then propels us into the crucible of taking solid character and selflessness into our everyday lives. Memorable characters, gripping conflict, joy in sorrow, and victory in loss make the Wingfeathers unforgettable and a must own series for every family.” —Sarah Young
“This series is a MUST READ for a new generation of believers young and old. Narnian-esqe, Peterson creates a fantastic, fictional world that leaves you longing for heaven and longing for more story. Janner, Tink, and Leeli lead you on many adventures finding out truth about themselves, fighting the Fangs of Dang, and growing into who the Maker made them to be. Join them on a magical and captivating journey!” —Brittany Williams Curd
“These books delighted and surprised my kids and me. I love recommending them!!” —Jenn Discher
“A series that shows what it means to love unconditionally, trust faithfully, and be brave in the midst of terror; a true adventure for the soul.” —Stephanie Westbrook
“Adventuring through the world of the Wingfeathers was one of my family’s most beloved endeavors; somehow we were made more fully alive during our fantastical visits to Aerwiar.” —Stephanie Mueller
“My 8yo son said, ‘Dad, I don’t like that book because every night I know I’m supposed go to sleep, but I just want you to keep reading!’” —Stacy Sublett
“A book series that leaves my 13 year old son with a face full of wonder and excitement to read them all over again.” —Karla Coffman Sheridan
“Everyone should read The Wingfeather Saga, because the stories are true. Not true in the hop-on-a-plane-and-visit-that-place kind of true, but search-deep-within-your-soul-and-feel-the-truth-of-these-stories-resonate-within-your-very-being true.” —Brittany Williams
“It’s a whimsical fantasy adventure with beautiful themes of faith, perseverance, redemption, and some of the very best sibling dynamics I have read in my LIFE!” —Shay
“This needed series draws you in with frivolity and whimsy, awakens adventure with an important purpose, and nourishes the ache in your heart for this broken world with an example of true greatness, redemption, and hope.” —Blais
“Our entire family (including Dad) enjoyed listening to the audio books together; they kept us on the edge of our seats until the very end!” —Maia Chandler
“Wingfeather’s deep, experiential themes of brokenness and redemption crack my heart open and hollow me out.” —Laure Hittle
“This story causes your soul to long for redemption and remaking… both here and now and in the age to come.” —Sarah Gagnon
“This story brings you to a world not too different from ours, where you see brokenness and evil flourish, but inevitably bow to the will of the Maker. The stories are true!” —Heather Denenea
“Let’s just say that it did keep me on the edge of my bed the whole time. I finished the second book 2 days ago, and I’m dying for the third. I think these are really great books! Amazing! Original! Extraordinary! It gives me a lot of hope for the future.” —Mandy Erbah
“Oh, my children love these SO MUCH! And I had to pre-read to make sure they were appropriate, but I couldn’t stop reading! They are wonderful.” —Rosie Hill
“The Wingfeather Saga will take you on a journey in a world that is both foreign and familiar, until at the bitter end, a golden thread of hope emerges; what if the stories are true?” —Jocelyn Marshall
“The Wingfeather Saga is a great read aloud for the entire family. Full of adventure, courage, love, and truth. A gift to pass through the generations and read again and again.” —Rebecca Sandstrom
“The Wingfeather series are unique books that one reads multiple times, as each time challenges your mind and heart towards right thinking and deeper truths in delightful story form.” —Mary Ann White

“This series is so full of truth, beauty, and goodness. A few years ago, I convinced my principal to allow me to test out the Saga with a group of 7th graders. We had so many meaningful discussions on so many different topics. The books make such a good impression on the students that they are now a permanent part of the 6th grade curriculum. All the teachers and students love these books. I highly recommend them.” —April Kadtke Bilton
“So many aspects of this story illustrate real-life spiritual truths that will give readers the courage to face their own spiritual battles.” —Jennifer Barker
“These phenomenal stories were the catalyst to my son’s enjoyment of reading aloud as a family! Thank you!” —Kristi Salazar
“It’s like The Chronicles of Narnia for a new generation!! It captures heart and soul through a fantastical story that brings truth to life.” —Priscilla Burczynski
“These books will make you laugh, cry, and every emotion in between!” —Amber Hardison Youngblood
“It’s the single greatest book series in the world!” —Eli Jenkins, age 10
“I love the Wingfeather series because—while being a thrilling and suspenseful adventure story full of humor and silliness—it also contains rich characters and themes, capturing the deep longings we all feel as humans to be loved in our brokenness and the ache in our souls for the world to be not as it is, but as it should be.” —Stefanie Mattea Delinois
“Andrew Peterson’s storytelling in this series feels like a blend of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien told by a Gen X-er: it is deep and rich, with plenty of chuckles throughout.” —Alicia McArthur
“The Wingfeather Saga is an immersive fantasy world with some very real truths. You find out that the stories are true.” —Abigail Boles
“It’s funny and entertaining, yet uplifting and encouraging in ways I never expected.” —Cosette Schamberger, age 16
“I’m not sure when I have laughed so loudly or cried so visibly when reading a series.” —Sheri Dawn Cornett
“One time I was at a book-signing table with AP. A couple came up and said to him, ‘I wanted you to know that when we finished Book 4 of the Wingfeather Saga, we all cried, and then my son prayed to receive Christ.’” —Jonathan Rogers