My good friend, the able Doug McKelvey (who, you may recall, also had a hand in making the music video for Remind Me Who I Am), came to my house in Minnesota for a weekend to talk with me about my new record, my life, and…baby squirrels, among other things, in order to bring you a series of song diaries that offer stories behind the songs as well as a peek into the life of the Gray family. The first one is for the song, “Good To Be Alive” and is less a video about the song specifically than it is a peek into my world.
Doug also pitched an idea to our label several months ago about a series of webisodes featuring Centricity artists as a memorable way to promote the new singles to radio music directors. Each webisode was written and directed by Doug and stars John Mays, the head of A&R at Centricity, as well as the featured artists in five minute situational comedies.
I have said it many times and I’ll say again how grateful I am to be a part of Centricity – these webisodes are a great example of the outside of the box kind of thinking that is establishing this label and their artists as unique and memorable. And who knew that John Mays was such a comedic force!? If you like my episode, you may want to check out the others (and rumor has it that there may be a webisode featuring our own Andrew Peterson in the works.)
I hope you enjoy these! And I’d be irresponsible if I didn’t remind you that you can pre-order my new record, A Way to See in the Dark here (and get an instant download of “Remind Me Who I Am”)
Thanks for watching.
Song Diaries – Good To Be Alive
Jason Gray Centricity U Webisode