This one is the title track from what is arguably the most important of the bazillion records from Caedmon’s Call: Share the Well. The writing and recording of this album was collaborative, courageous, and deeply passionate. These guys have put out a lot of records, toured heavily for years, and in some ways it felt to me like it all led to this album and what it did for the Kingdom. I’ve heard so many great stories about their time in India and South America–stories that remind me that the wild hope of the Gospel actually matters, that it actually changes things, least of all my own stony heart.
So here’s a song by our own Randall Goodgame, written for the Dalits, an Indian caste-that’s-so-low-it’s-not-even-a-caste; they’re not even allowed to drink from the same well as those of other castes for fear of persecution and sometimes death. That a bunch of rowdy Texans in a folk-rock band actually went to India, let these stories infect them, came back to the U.S. and wrote an album about it is remarkable. Like I said, it’s important. And it’s important that we pay attention.
All that, and it still makes you tap your foot.
Share the Well Words and Music by Randall Goodgame
Je Ra Ji Ra, Ji Ra, De Ji Ra, De Ji Ji Ji
Share the well, share with your brother Share the well my friend It takes a deeper well to love one another Share the well my friend
Je Ra Ji Ra, Ji Ra, De Ji Ra, De Ji Ji Ji
Do you think the water knows Flowing down the mountain thaw Finally to find repose For any soul who cares to draw Some kindred keepers of this Earth On their way to join the flow Are cast aside and left to thirst Tell me now it is not so
Share the well, share with your brother Share the well my friend It takes a deeper well to love one another Share the well my friend
All God’s creatures share the water hole The blessed day the monsoon comes And in His image we are woven Every likeness every one From Kashmir to Karala Under every banyan tree Mothers for their children cry With empty jar and bended knee
Share the well, share with your brother Share the well my friend It takes a deeper well to love one another Share the well my friend
Je Ra Ji Ra, Ji Ra, De Ji Ra, De Ji Ji Ji
You know I’ve heard good people say There’s nothing I can do That’s half a world away Well maybe you’ve got money Maybe you’ve got time Maybe you’ve got the Living Well That ain’t every running dry
Share the well, share with your brother Share the well my friend It takes a deeper well to love one another Share the well my friend
Je Ra Ji Ra, Ji Ra, De Ji Ra, De Ji Ji Ji