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The Local Show announces Spring ’23 season

Matt Conner

by Matt Conner

“On soft Spring nights I’ll stand in the yard under the stars—Something good will come out of all things yet—And it will be golden and eternal just like that—There’s no need to say another word.” -Jack Kerouac, Big Sur

If your house is anything like mine, there’s an ever-heightening anticipation for the coming season. We’ve opened the presents of holidays and birthdays. We’ve made hot cocoa and watched our favorite movies. We’ve slept a little longer, indulged our quieter hobbies, and enjoyed the intimacy of cozy fires. But now we’re ready for spring.

One of the most exciting and beautiful aspects of the coming season is found in the potential it represents. Shared activities lead to shared stories and the common language that arises from such experiences is one of the most empowering gifts we can ever receive.

It is to that end—toward beauty, toward connection, toward shared stories—that we’re excited to share the spring season of The Local Show. For the next three months, we will be opening up the doors of North Wind Manor to the considerable talents of many friends knowing their shared stories will provide encouragement and hope and perspective for those of us in need of spring’s potential.

Check out the details for The Local Show’s Spring ’23 season.

March 7, 2023 @ 7:30 p.m. C.T. (TICKETS)

April 4, 2023 @ 7:30 p.m. C.T. (TICKETS)

May 9, 2023 @ 7:30 p.m. C.T. (TICKETS)


Matt Conner is a former pastor and church planter turned writer and editor. He’s the founder of Analogue Media and lives in Indianapolis.

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